Monday, April 3, 2017

the characteristic features of public relations

Characteristics of Public Relations
Public relations function is executed in accordance with the characteristics contained in any public relations activities, namely:

a. PR is the communication activities in an organization that is a two-way reciprocal.
b. PR is supporting the achievement of the goals set by the management of an organization.
c. Public targeted public relations activities are public external and internal public.
d. Operationalization hubungancyang public relations is to foster harmony between the organization with the public and prevent the occurrence of either psychological barriers arising from the organization or from the public.
(Effendy, 1998: 24)

The first characteristic, namely public relations public relations activities a two-way reciprocal, that is the first lines of communication in the form of information dissemination by the company through public relations, after which the process of delivering a response or public opinion on the part of the public to public relations.
The second characteristic that public relations is supporting the achievement of the goals set by the management of an organization. The point is that communication activities are run by the public relations efforts will support the company in achieving its intended purpose. Public relations is trying to communicate the company's program as well as possible to the public, until the objectives of the program set by the company can be realized, it is a realization that public relations support the achievement of corporate goals.

 The third characteristic, namely, the public targeted public relations is a public internal and external public. Public within the organization directed and deployed to the achievement of the stated goals of the organization. Individual behavior as a public employee is directed internally in order to fit, in harmony, and harmony with the goals of the organization or company. How that is done by public relations is to perform the processes of communication.

Characteristics of the four operations of public relations is to foster a harmonious relationship between the organization and the public and prevent the occurrence of psychological barriers, whether they arise from the organization or from the public, that is public relations trying to create a harmonious atmosphere between the public and companies. A harmonious relationship include a pleasant attitude (favorable), goodwill (goodwill), understanding (mutual understanding), tolerance (tolerance), mutual trust (mutual confidence), respect (mutual appreciation), and a good image (good image ). (Effendy, 118: 25). In addition public relations should also be sensitive to the symptoms that arise in public, this is done so that if there is a negative symptom of the public, public relations can immediately take countermeasures.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

errors in sales [errors sales]

Weolcome to My Blog 👌

1. Looking around for reasons to justify the failure of the seller
"Mr. Salesmen, the fault does not lie Leondardo-star but it rests with the master himself. "
Questions containing this advice put forward by shakespearce approximately 400 years ago. This question emphasizes that one of the biggest mistakes made by sellers now are: weakness or deficiency justify themselves, and assume that the failure of the sale was not due to their fault, by the way it's throwing error to the other party.
Here's the picture: the seller come to potential buyers, offering merchandise, and hopes that prospective buyers lured and finally ordering the goods it offers. So that he could leave potential buyers to bring order. But what happens if he fails? 😓😓 He will eliminate disappointment with a quick and easy way, that is by convincing himself that.

• Goods merchandise does not have all the privileges that should be owned
• The prices he quotes all wrong
• Options which he gave too limited
• Propaganda unfavorable advertising company
• He went to prospective buyers are not in a timely manner
• Prospective buyers are not interested
• Prospective buyers are not really interested in
• Competitiveness-rival was ahead
.... And many other similar reasons

Indeed, a healthy mind (resionalisasi) of this kind has proved to be a reason that is true, why did he fail to sell goods. But sometimes it might not be true! Failure sellers may not be due to factors such as the above-facto it. And this is causing distress. Even the seller himself does not care, do not want to test the validity of this kind of rationalization. He just accept what they are. And automatically he threw all his personal responsibility. He did not want meneima the fact that the sales of pen failure caused by the fault of others.